25 Types of Tourism Around the World

The tourism industry is always evolving, beginning with the essentials such as domestic tourism, inbound tourist, and outbound tourism.As travel agencies, you can utilize this information to develop plans for expanding your tourist business.

1. Adventure Tourism

Adventure tourism is the exploration of isolated locations where visitors might expect the unexpected.It entails becoming acquainted with new culture or scenery while also engaging in physical activities.Adventure tourism activities include day hiking,backpacking,zip lining,free fall,rafting, mountain biking,skiing,and snowboarding.

2. Accessible Tourism

Accessible tourism guarantees all individuals,irrespective of age,physical limitations,or disabilities,access to visitor destinations, products, and services.The European Commission commissioned research to promote this tourism market,in which stakeholders provided insights into the complexities of accessibletourism.The European Network for Accessible Tourism provides attractions,activities,destinations,and exhibits that are devoid of barriers,among other amenities.

3. Agritourism

Agritourism or agrotourism tourism normally occurs on farms.It gives travelers an opportunity to experience rural life,taste the local genuine food and get familiar with various farming tasks.This type of tourism is also referred to as farm stays in Italy.Some of the types of agritourism are direct market agritourism,experience and education agritourism,and event and recreation agritourism.

4. Alternative Tourism or Sustainability

Alternative tourism,which is also referred to as specific interest tourism (SIT),encompasses journeys that promote engagement with local authorities,communities,and individuals.Alternative tourism is favored by many tourists due to their affection for and desire to preserve nature.Alternative tourism approaches consist of ecotourism,adventure tourism,rural tourism, sustainable tourism,solidarity tourism,and others.

5. Atomic Tourism

Atomic tourism,in which visitors learn about the atomic period by visiting locations such as missile silo, museums housing atomic weapons,and vehicles that transported atomic weapons,has emerged in recent years.The Trinity Site,Doom Town,The Titan Missile Museum, Hanford Reactor,Los Alamos,The National Museum of Nuclear Science History,Enola Gay,Chernobyl,Pripyat,Hiroshima,Bikini Atoll,and Malan Military Expo Park are among the most popular atomic tourist destinations in the world.

6. Benefit Tourism

As defined by Medical Dictionary,“a common designation for non,British.national (e.g., from the European Union) residing in the United Kingdom with the intention of subsisting on social security and additional benefits, such as employment and support allowance, jobseeker’s allowance, and child tax credit.”These advantages are exclusively granted to individuals who satisfy the“right-to,reside” criterion of the United Kingdom.

7. Birth Tourism

Maternity tourism,or birth tourism,refers to the practice of traveling to foreign country in order to give birth.This practice is primarily undertaken to acquire birthright citizenship.Access to public education, healthcare, and parental sponsorship are additional factors.Citizenship by birthright is granted in the United States,Canada,Mexico,Argentina,Brazil,Bolivia,Jamaica, and Uruguay,among others.

8. Boat Sharing

Boatsharing is the act of sharing boats with other people who want to go to the same place.They split the cost of boat,captain or skipper cost. Some of the famous boatsharing associations in the world are Boatide,Sailbox,Bootschaft,Steamboat,Antlos and Boatshare.

9. Booze Cruise

Booze cruise is a brief trip from Britain to France or Belgium with the intention of buying personal supplies such as alcohol or tobacco in bulk.This is legally acceptable and must not be confused with smuggling.In other countries,this term is used for an outing on a ship or boat which involves a significant amount of drinking.

10. Business Tourism

Business tourism involves traveling to a destination away from home or a normal workplace.It is a type of travel for professional purposes rather than personal.Some types of business tourism are incentive travel,exhibitions & trade fairs,conferences & meetings,and corporate events.

11. Birdwatching

Observing birds in their natural habitat constitutes birdwatching.By utilizing visual enhancement devices such as binoculars,telescopes,and listening devices, one can observe these birds with the unaided eye. South Georgia Island,Cape May,New Jersey,Patanlal,Brazil,Broome,Western Australia,New Guinea Highlands,Nagaland,India,Kakum National Park,Ghana,Mindo,Ecuador,Hula Valley,Israel,and Kruger National Park,South Africa are the foremost birdwatching destinations in the world.

12. Camping

Camping is a famous outdoor activity that involves an overnight stay in a tent or recreational vehicle.It is considered as an inexpensive accommodation option.A minimum of one night is spent, distinguishing it from day-tripping,picnics,and other short-term recreational activities.There is also one more luxurious type of camping called Glamping. Some of the famous camping types are tent camping,backpacking/hiking, survivalist camping, canoe camping, RV and van camping.

13. Culinary Tourism

Food tourists engage in culinary tourism or food tourism when they are interested in discovering new culinary locales.The trip’s inclusion of opportunities to learn new culinary techniques and attend food tasting is welcome deviation from the typical travel itinerary.New Orleans, Tokyo, Bangkok, Peru, Ethiopia,Italy, Spain,Dubai,Thailand,India,Tokyo,and Bangkok are among the world’s foremost culinary tourism destinations.

14. Cultural Tourism

Cultural tourism involves travelers actively participating in the lifestyle and other aspects of religion or country’s culture that have influenced the way of life of its people.Tourists become engrossed in associated activities,including festivals and rituals.The Western Cape of South Africa,Madagascar;Lombok,Indonesia;Latvia;Haida Gwaii,British Columbia;Northern Sri Lanka;Chiang Mai,Thailand;Aristi,Greece;and Tamil Nadu,India are all well-known cultural tourism destinations.

15. Dental Tourism

Dental tourism or dental vacation involves people seeking dental care out of their local healthcare system.It may also be accompanied by a vacation.In developed countries like USA and Canada,dental care is expensive.So,dental tourists travel for low-cost dental care.Some of the famous dental tourism destinations include Mexico,Thailand,Panama,Philippines,Spain,Hungary,Romania and India.

16. Disaster Tourism

Disaster tourism,also known as dark/black/grief tourism, consists of visits to locations affected by natural or manmadeenvironmental catastrophes.This form of tourism captivates individuals due to its social, academic, or cultural nature.Hurricane Katrina, Pompeii, the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Naval Air Engineering Station Lakehurst,Nevada National Security Site,Johnstown Flood National Memorial,and 9/11 Memorial are among the most renowned disaster tourism destinations in the world.

17. Domestic Tourism

Domestic tourism involves residents of a country traveling within the same country.For example,if you are living in Manhattan and travel to Texas,it is called domestic tourism.

18. Recreational Drug Tourism

Recreational drug tourism is form of travel in which individuals travel with the intention of consuming illicit, prohibited, or costly recreational substances.The purpose of these categories of travelers is to acquire controlled substance that is unavailable within their nation.Recreational drug tourism is experiencing significant growth in several well,known,destinations,including Laos,Peru,Morocco,Colombia,Colorado,the Netherlands,and Bolivia.

19. Enotourism

Enotourism, vinitourism, oenotourism,or enotourism all involve the purchase, consumption,or sampling of wine.These visitors participate in the harvest,visit wineries,and sample wines while strolling through vineyards.Spain,New Zealand,Moldova,France,Portugal,Greece,Italy,Argentina,Australia,and South Africa are among the most popular wine tasting destinations in the globe.

20. Escorted Tour

An escorted tour is a type of tourism where travelers are guided in groups. Usually, it is a walking tour where a guide takes the group to historical or cultural sites. Under escorted tours, the guide or agency will take care of all the planning. Travelers can sit relax and enjoy the trip knowing that they are doing the best of everything.

21. Experiential Travel

Experiential travel or immersion travel is a tourism type where travelers experience a country by enthusiastically engaging with its history,people,culture and food.Some of the famous experiential travel trips are exploring Cuban culture, tag sharks in the Exumas, crossing the Antarctic Circle, catapult at 3Gs in Nevis Vally,safari in Tanzania,visiting Nomadic Herders and Reindeer,trek to the Tiger’s Nest and swimming with whale sharks in Mexico.

22. Experimental Travel

Experimental tourism is form of travel in which visitors do not visit typical tourist destinations.This form of travel incorporates elements of serendipity, chance, and humor. Flying by night, slow,return travel,alphabet travel,twelve travel,blind travel,find your other half travel,and Vacilando are all examples of experimental travel types.

23. Extreme Tourism

Shock tourism or extreme tourism entails visits to perilous locations, including but not limited to mountains,jungles,deserts,caverns,and canyons.The primary appeal is the adrenaline surge induced by the inherent danger.Cage of death in Australia, cliff jumping in Norway, Iguazu boat excursion in Brazil,CN Tower edge walking in Toronto,Volcano Bungee in Chile,Zorbing in New Zealand,and El Caminito Del Rey Trekking in Spain are examples of extreme tourist attractions around the world.

24. Eco tourism

Eco tourism involves visiting undisturbed natural areas.It promotes conserving the environment and improving the well-being of local people.Some of the best eco tourism destinations in the world are Alaska,The Amazon,Antarctica,Australian Blue Mountains,Borneo,Botswana,Costa Rica,Dominica, Galapagos Islands and Himalayas.

25. Fashion Tourism

Fashion tourism consists of traveling to specific location in order to observe,purchase,trade,experimentwith, or uncover fashion.It emerged from the sectors of creative tourism,cultural tourism,and retail tourism.Toronto,New York,Paris,Barcelona,London,Rome,Milan,Hong Kong,Los Angeles,and Rome are among the foremost fashion destinations worldwide.

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